Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

If you don't want to hear my whining and excuses for why I haven't written, skip down to below the line...

I am making an effort to blog at least once a week. I am doing a lot of writing otherwise and should make this a discipline. I've found myself in situations thinking, "I'd really like to blog about that." So, friends, here it goes (again). *good luck getting this out of your head*


Cue John Mellancamp (Cougar? No Cougar? Who can be sure?)

I was born in a small town...

My first experience voting was making the pilgrimage to the basement of the Upper Sandusky Library. It was the primaries before the 2004 election, and I was allowed to vote before I was 18. It was exciting. I wore my sticker proudly.

Through college I dutifully drove home each time there was a vote.  I even drove to Marseilles to vote in the fire station with two people working the polls.  I was raised to understand that my vote counted, and after living through (albeit not old enough to vote in) the 2000 election, I took my rite to vote seriously.

Fast forward to 2012.

I read a blog post in which a man (white and most likely middle aged) called himself entitled to vote.  I was upset... ok, enraged, actually... I have sat through enough classes (thanks, Dr. Person and Dr. Lobody) to know that the right to vote was hard earned by many groups of people.  As a woman, I especially loved taking a class in seminary on the Social Gospel Movement, learning the stories of suffragettes who I now hold as mothers of the faith. The tireless work of many have earned the right to vote for the masses.

So as my partner and I drove to the early voting center here in Columbus, I was happy to live into my right to vote. I trudged through the shouters, politely smiled at my political party's offer of a sample ballot, and took my place in the line at the abandoned Kohl's to cast my ballot.

And, as is tradition, I received my "I *shape of Ohio meant to look like a heart*Voting" sticker, I wondered whether I should put it on my shirt right then and there, or wait.

I waited.

I'm glad I waited, because today, watching the news coverage of people standing out in the blustery air waiting to vote, I found myself missing the days of catching up with neighbors while waiting for the red, white, and blue striped curtain to open in the voting booth. I voted early because this is my first presidential election living in the Capitol City of THE swing state. Yes, I know you're jealous.

But regardless, I count myself honored (not entitled) to have cast a ballot in this election.  I hope you'll do the same, whether you're walking into the fire station of a one stop sign town or standing in a line wrapped around the city block. Exercise your right. Vote. 

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