9 a.m. - Arrive in the office. Have conversation with supervising pastor about footwear. He's shoe shopping. Hysterical.
9:15 a.m. - Coffee made, to-do list being worked through. Specific items being worked on are: communicating with hosts for the upcoming week of IHN hosting, small group rosters and leadership, organizing for a young clergy gathering, communicating with team serving dinner at a community shelter, and archiving emails.
At some point during all of this, another staff member arrives, talking supervising pastor out of the shoes that office administrator and I had talked him into. We're back to square one.
11:30 a.m. - Leave office to make hospital call. On our staff we each have an "on call" day, and Friday is mine. I'm headed to Riverside Hospital, just a quick drive from my office. The hospital is under a great deal of construction and parking is a bit hairy, but I'm glad to have the extra steps on my pedometer.
12:30 p.m. - Eat my quick lunch (packed) and head to the gym. I also run home to let the dogs out and get ready for the evening.
3:00 p.m. - Spend some time in prayer at home. It just feels necessary today for some reason.
4:00 p.m. - Arrive back at church to meet volunteers fixing dinner for an event. I let them in, check in with them, and then head upstairs.
4:30 p.m. - Palm fronds have arrived, and we're folding crosses to give to the children during worship on Sunday. While folding, supervising pastor, office administrator, and I have great conversation about where the church used to be and where it is now. I'm encouraged. We also have the debate:

Executive pastor and I have never been in a church using primarily the latter before coming to King Avenue. Supervising pastor seems to think that the former is an abomination to Palm Sunday worship (we all know that he really just thinks the latter are better for childlike hitting).
5:30 p.m. - Head down to fellowship hall for dinner and our event. It is a lively night of fellowship! Event is still running strong at 8:30 p.m., but I've got to head home. My partner's parents, brother, and future sister-in-law have arrived.
(A week in the life is a blog series I'm writing to share what a normal week in the life of this pastor looks like. I serve as the Minister of Discipleship and Mission at King Avenue UMC in Columbus, Ohio.)
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